Local bus
【Information】Route Bus timetable change.
Thank you for your use of the Route Bus.
We will change the timetable of the following bus from Saturday,Aplil14,2018.
■Implemention Schedule : Saturday,Aplil14,2018 from the begining.
■Applicable Line : No.34『Kochinga line』,No.35『Shitahaku line』,No.39『Hyakuna line』
No.40『Ozato line』,No.41『Tsukishiro town line』,No.49『Haebaru linee]』
No.109『Ozato line(via Mazikina)』,No.235『Shitahaku Omoromachi line』
※Here is timetable of No.34. Here is timetable of No.35 and No.235.
Here is timetable of No.39,No.41,No.49. Here is timetable of No.40 and No.109.